Download the third edition of 4000 essential English words book series. One of the best book series to improve your IELTS vocabulary. I recommend you read parts one and two before downloading this book.
As I mentioned above that this is the third version of the one of the best vocabulary series. this book helps you to improve your IELTS vocabulary. with the help of this you can learn many new words of different difficulty levels. There is a total of 6 books of 4000 essential English words and each book contains 600 words.
There is a total of 30 units in this book and each units contains different words of different difficulty level. this book is very easy to use and one can use this book without any help of teacher because this book is made of self-study. this book contains the following words .
units | target words |
1 | arise, benefactor, blacksmith, charitable, chimney, compensate, encounter, exceed, forge, humble, iron, ladder, modest, occupy, penny, preach, prosper, province, satisfaction, sustain |
2 | acquire, awkward, caretaker, deceive, discourage, fake, hatred, hut, inferior, lodge, neglect, newcomer, offense, overlook, repay, ridiculous, satisfactory, shepherd, venture, wheat |
3 | alley, ax, bunch, chore, decent, disgrace, elbow, grateful, irritate, kid, loose, offend, overnight, persist, pine, scar, sensation, sled, tease, valentine |
4 | bloom, compact, curl, decay, dessert, dip, distant, eclipse, fairy, grace, leisure, mankind, passion, pillow, pulse, refresh, sneeze, spice, whistle, wool |
5 | acquaint, cemetery, curse, disguise, fancy, flashlight, hood, inhabitant, nourish, pirate, publication, riddle, rot, scare, shortly, skeleton, spoil, starve, thrill, wicked |
6 | alert, broadcast, bulletin, bump, chop, closet, console, district, drawer, endure, execute, grasp, rear, senator, skull, stir, tap, tremendous, underneath, worm |
7 | abandon, ambitious, bark, bay, brilliant, chin, complaint, deaf, enthusiastic, expedition, horizon, loyal, mayor, mutual, overweight, refuge, restore, rub, senses, veterinarian |
8 | anniversary, arithmetic, ashamed, burst, carpenter, coal, couch, drip, elegant, fabric, highlands, ivory, mill, needle, polish, sew, shed, thread, trim, upwards |
9 | ail, ally, boast, bounce, bully, carbohydrate, crawl, defeat, dial, dominant, mercy, nod, opponent, quarrel, rival, sore, sting, strain, torture, wrestle |
10 | absence, aloud, bald, blanket, creep, divorce, imitate, infant, kidnap, nap, nowhere, pat, relief, reproduce, rhyme, suck, urgent, vanish, wagon, wrinkle |
11 | abnormal, bamboo, blossom, compass, dialect, dishonest, dwarf, ecosystem, fatal, impatient, leaf, manuscript, marsh, patience, perfume, pond, proverb, pursuit, recite, wilderness |
12 | anticipate, barrel, beam, casual, caution, contrary, deliberate, dissolve, explode, fasten, germ, kit, puff, rag, scatter, scent, steel, swift, toss, triumph |
13 | aboard, bitter, bullet, devil, drift, enforce, fountain, harbor, inhabit, march, millionaire, port, sheriff, startle, sweat, trigger, unify, vessel, voyage, worship |
14 | apprentice, assure, bandage, bleed, bond, chef, crown, departure, diligent, emperor, fiber, horrible, impolite, kneel, luxury, massive, panic, priority, robe, scold |
15 | affair, assembly, bless, cereal, cheerful, diameter, exploit, famine, harvest, merry, nut, pardon, pharaoh, ripe, roast, routine, scheme, slim, stove, theft |
16 | affair, assembly, bless, cereal, cheerful, diameter, exploit, famine, harvest, merry, nut, pardon, pharaoh, ripe, roast, routine, scheme, slim, stove, theft |
17 | affection, agency, ash, confine, dismiss, erupt, fate, lava, miserable, navigate, originate, remainder, retrieve, shallow, slope, span, superstition, sympathy, vibrate, wander |
18 | armor, blaze, boom, cliff, flame, independence, invasion, knight, lightning, rebel, retreat, revolution, spear, steep, summit, thunder, troops, warrior, withdraw, yield |
19 | bench, confront, daisy, dispute, horror, incident, mist, object, orphan, plot, pregnant, rage, revenge, shame, sigh, sneak, spare, stem, supper, tender |
20 | beneath, cub, dawn, dissatisfied, ease, evident, hail, howl, leap, magnificent, necessity, outcome, pile, profound, seize, squeeze, supreme, terrific, trait, vital |
21 | accustomed, affirm, astonished, bang, clan, dim, emphasis, fable, feast, glow, hollow, instinct, joint, leak, physician, sacrifice, stiff, stroke, tragic, tune |
22 | accustomed, affirm, astonished, bang, clan, dim, emphasis, fable, feast, glow, hollow, instinct, joint, leak, physician, sacrifice, stiff, stroke, tragic, tune |
23 | Aborigine, ban, cautious, confess, cottage, daytime, desperate, fade, fierce, gamble, lawn, mow, outlaw, prospect, purse, rod, seldom, shave, terrified, wizard |
24 | baggage, bulb, bundle, cattle, flee, graze, greed, herd, initiate, lane, luggage, nerve, optimist, parade, pave, phantom, portable, poster, scratch, symphony, widow |
25 | circulate, consequent, derive, drown, dynasty, fraction, frost, illusion, invade, lieutenant, marine, merit, navy, polar, ray, resign, suicide, tremble, underlying, via |
26 | alter, aside, autumn, blend, collapse, crush, curve, disgusting, drain, embrace, envy, fireworks, flour, fuse, ginger, jealous, paste, receipt, wipe, wire |
27 | acknowledge, ambassador, blonde, conquer, drag, exaggerate, heritage, insult, meanwhile, necklace, noble, precious, prejudice, rumor, sin, spectacle, stack, suspicious, tin, vase |
28 | ache, arctic, canal, chemist, chill, congress, dairy, descend, grocer, hesitate, institution, jog, merchant, poke, postpone, splash, stubborn, suburb, tide, tragedy |
29 | bomb, certificate, circumstance, coffin, cope, criticism, devastate, frown, gaze, glance, grief, groom, license, microscope, nuclear, portray, rotate, souvenir, submarine, trace |
30 | appliance, basin, broom, caterpillar, cupboard, delicate, emerge, handicap, hook, hop, laundry, pursue, reluctant, sleeve, spine, stain, strip, swear, swing, utilize |
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An excellent post, congratulations !!
Excellent article. I'm going through a few of these issues as well..