Makkar IELTS Graphs from past exams, Download pdf
Get all the information about the makkar IELTS graphs from the past exams. Download the pdf free of cost. There are hundreds of books on the writing task one of the IELTS writing module. We are here to provide the best consultancy regarding the right choice of the IELTS material. In this post, we will discuss the latest edition of the makkar IELTS graphs from past exam.

About the makkar IELTS graphs from past exam.
We know that writing task one is not much difficult part of the writing module. If we master this task, then we can easily score 7+ bands in the IELTS writing module. This task requires many analytical vocabulary and rules to follow. makkar IELTS graphs from the past exam are based upon the writing task one, and one can quickly master writing task one with the help of this book.
Authors of this books are DR Kiran Preet Kaur makkar and INdroop Singh makkar. Publisher of makkar IELTS graphs from past exams is makkar publishing house. This book was first published in 2018.

Dr. Kiran Preet Kaur makkar is a doctor. Dr. Kiran Preet Kaur makkar is a doctor. She is MBBS, DGO at MAKKAR HOSPITAL PHAGWARA. She has written many books on IELTS to assist students. Dr Kiran is well known for her speaking guesswork for the IELTS exam. She has a great interest in the IELTS, so she is doing much hard work to help IELTS students.
Makkar IELTS graphs from past exam covers:
Writing task one of the IELTS writing module is of different types. There are About four types of Graphs in the writing task one, that is following.
- Line graph
- Bar-chart
- pie chart
- Table
- Multiple charts
- Map
- Describing objects
- Process or cycle
Analytical vocabulary is essential for writing the right graph sample answer. Students can learn this vocabulary with this book. makkar IELTS graph book is comprehensive and covers all points of the writing task one. This book contains a total of 167 solved graphs that are from the past IELTS exams. apart from that, the links to the youtube videos are also mentioned in the book.
Download or purchase!
I heartily suggest obtaining makkar IELTS graphs from past exam from any local or online stores will be more advantageous for you to prepare.
If you don’t manage this book then, you can download this from the links provided below. Cik on the button below, it will redirect you to the pdf if this book.
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